2023 Season
2023 Season Cancelation
Due to the wildfires that broke out throughout Maui on August 8th, the Hana Hou Music Program decided to cancel their 2023 Season and our travel to Hawai’i. Instead, we focused their efforts on helping the community from afar.
Maui Relief Concerts
In lieu of our 2023 Season, Hana Hou Music Program organized three benefit concerts in the Ann Arbor, MI community, featuring the music of Queen Lili'uokalani, such as Aloha 'Oe and other Hawai'i favorites,
with information on how to help Maui during this time.
All concerts were free and open to the public. Hana Hou Music Program collected donations which were distributed to reputable organizations providing aid to those affected by the disaster.
Ann Arbor Farmers Market
Wednesday, August 16th, 9:30am - 11:30am EST (map)
Church of the Good Shepherd, UCC
Thursday, August 17th, 7:00pm-8:00pm EST (map)
Hankinson Rehearsal Hall
University of Michigan, School of Music Theatre and Dance
Friday, August 18th, 7:00pm-8:00pm EST (map)
Both Thursday and Friday concerts were presented in collaboration with the Hoaloha Polynesian Dance Group, and the University of Michigan’s Hawai’i Club and Amazin’ Blue A Cappella.
Fundraising Results
Through our efforts, we were able to raise over $1,800, and donated these funds to the following organizations: